Saturday, April 5, 2008

i just hope you understand, sometimes the clothes do not make the man

So, I didn't get to blog yesterday because I was busy loving on the sweetest little dog in the world, playing teacher dress-up, buying Michael Chabon's latest book (!!!) and a Ferlinghetti collection for good measure, and doing physics homework at the very last minute. And now I'm off to pick M up from work, so we can get ready for Progressive Prom tonight. I'm sort of up-in-the-air about it - the past three proms have left me feeling really teary and helpless, but Kiah promises this one will be different, and it is my last semester here, and I'd hate to turn down an excuse to dress in drag, so I'll be attending, if only for a bit.

Expect pictures tomorrow, and probably a little bit of femme angst, but definitely pictures! And until then, I present some way-ancient pictures of me playing butch. Alas!

As always, feel free to share your own story, to ask a question, to pick a fight with me, or to say hello via comment or e-mail ( Also, remember that the blog is for a cause: any money you lovelies donate will go to the Rape And Incest National Network, and will be used to fund their online hotline for those affected by sexual violence. You can donate by clicking here - if you're so kind as to kick in, make sure to mention in the 'Additional Information' field that Jen H sent you, and that I'm part of the GBBMC2008.

Have a safe but scandalous Saturday night, friends!

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